





Ethnoarchéologie au Mali. Réduction de minerai de fer


In Mali, in the cliffs inhabited by the Dogon, a cameraman and an ethnoarchaeologist attend an iron ore metallurgical reduction. This filmed experience is a unique technological evidence of the millennium technology , today completely disappeared.






The Historical Metallurgy Society


The Historical Metallurgy Society is a dynamic and exciting international forum for exchange of information and research in historical metallurgy. For over forty years we have covered all aspects of the history of metals and associated materials from prehistory to the present. Our members' interests range from processes and production through technology and economics to archaeology and conservation.





Expérimentation Novéant-sur-Moselle (France)


Here is a major investigation that led pupils on iron ore and on the ancient tradition to get iron metal.They realized, an experimental iron ore reduction of ore in a furnace they built themselves.






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